January 2013
The highlight was I ran my very first, all by myself, 5k. Battle of the Bean. January 18 or someday like that. I over dressed cause I was actually burning up. My foot ached. My lungs screamed at me from the top of their lungs. I believe I am to delete 3 minutes off of the clock for my groups delayed entry.
The highlight was I ran my very first, all by myself, 5k. Battle of the Bean. January 18 or someday like that. I over dressed cause I was actually burning up. My foot ached. My lungs screamed at me from the top of their lungs. I believe I am to delete 3 minutes off of the clock for my groups delayed entry.
smorez also did a quick spur of the moment recording. no practice. no lyrics. just is.
February 2013
JCCC is down the road from where I slumber. I like to visit this college. I still run into the many teachers/professors that taught me when I was getting back on my feet from 1998, then 1999, then in the 2000's with more and more hospitalizations occurring year after year. I love the windows at JCCC and the glow the light provides.
my guitar and i
March 2013
We played at Yahweh and our set got cut short because it was snowing down like crazy.
We got asked back and it was all good but YES!! it still snowed mid March. beautiful!
April 2013
hadn't seen either one for over a decade until this picture.
wonderful reunion.
AND!! One of my best and favoritist jobs ever. EVER! started back up this April and I couldn't wait.
And late this April 2013, I finally revisited my hospital scare from April 26, 1998.
I began a blog and wouldn't mind at all if peeps signed up for it's posts.
May 2013
things were getting me down this month.
maybe from and for a lot of reasons.
such as revisiting April 26, 1998.
Realizing the many things I have been told because of April 26, 1998.
Acknowledging my many mistakes because of that date and the next 15+ years from there on.
But this time, this 2013, and now 2014, the healing is really really taking place.
i live within walking distance to a Steak n Shake, which i LOVE,
and went on a May night, drew this on the back of one of their menus.
maybe from and for a lot of reasons.
such as revisiting April 26, 1998.
Realizing the many things I have been told because of April 26, 1998.
Acknowledging my many mistakes because of that date and the next 15+ years from there on.
But this time, this 2013, and now 2014, the healing is really really taking place.
i live within walking distance to a Steak n Shake, which i LOVE,
and went on a May night, drew this on the back of one of their menus.
i also ran a brain injury 5k this month, in the pouring rain. i wrote a poem about it.
June 2013
we got another gig at Ground House, in Gardner.
July 2013
I went to a wedding in Sedalia for the 4th of July.
I was not the photographer, but I am skilled in it, and I
excel in video, an aspect of my major.
But I took some time to photograph the photographer photographing the wedding party. and what a fun wedding party they are. I really like this picture. It was also good to help out my friend, keep her awake on the car ride, a few hours.
Below is a pic of the lake they got married at.
Below is a link to a great song I already had the music but Julie wrote the lyrics.
We played this at Ground House on our second invitation.
Waiting by s'morez
We played this at Ground House on our second invitation.
Waiting by s'morez
this link is to Zall another original played at Yahweh and a full set we were allowed!
Zall by s'morez
toured the plaza and what do ya know? a sign about our band! Word.
August 2013
Well, my year in review is pretty eventful.
And it comes to a close as alot of these great friends from our SMBV job had to leave back for college.
This is a great musicians group that meets monthly, and I love getting to hear their music and being able to share mine, as well. Each month, superb.
September 2013
this early September, Sunday, I had the wonderful opportunity to come listen to a new friend.
AND taste the wine of this winery.
I bought a bottle.
AND taste the wine of this winery.
I bought a bottle.
We played again at Yahweh, my friend, Shelly, accompanied me with her talented voice.
October 2013
here's that bottle of wine i bought. Ruby Red. a port. SOOOOOO Yummy.
picture of me on my actual birthday.
this was the invitation to my bday party. I also blogged one month full of october birthdays and the best ofs.
You can gain access to these blogs here:
You can gain access to these blogs here:
my name in cursive and glowing on my birthday around 2am.
November 2013
this was a good month. better than 2012's november. i didn't know these new friends then, yet, i do now.

i am so glad i can run again.
i am so glad i can breathe again.
i am so glad i can see again.
i am so glad i can move again.
December 2013
And of course, in rounding off my year 2013 in review, i got to do what i love doing.
yes i strayed away from these two notable actions over the course of a decade due to duty and obligation and self un awareness but ... .... i know who i am #1 and i know what i am to do #2.
i believe in order to keep me smiling and singing i must deny all temptation to conform to anything that does not suit me. i have worn the masks and the make up that 1998 - 2013 influenced me to cake on my self, plaster upon me. i could not breathe. i don't believe many would be able to. i have shattered the cast. the full body suit of control, and the inward poisoning of self is still being detoxed.
but what i am more assure of than what happened over the span of a recent 10 years,
or a span of another 7 years, is i am me and i ain't changing for no one any more. makes me smile.
i would not demand that from any one either.
i leave you with a few quotes i admire,
"I'm not trying to take over. I am just trying to belong".
and "If there were more Jered Feldmans, the world would be a better place.
Maybe that's why there's not more Jered Feldmans".
i will now .... recline .... and set my life .... ..... on cruise control ..... ....... ........ ........ .......
NAMASTE 2014 and beyond
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